Learn Three Easy Flute Notes | Beginner Flute Lesson 4
Flute for Beginners > First Easy Flute Notes (Beginner Flute Lesson 4)
In this beginning flute lesson, learn how to finger and play three easy flute notes. Music reading not required.
Tips for the First Easy Flute Notes
When transitioning from headjoint-only practice to using the full flute, check in with a mirror on the angle and coverage of the embouchure hole (headjoint opening). Remember that your lower lip should be covering about 1/4-1/3 of the opening.
If you are having trouble getting a sound, try rolling the body of the flute away from you and toward you in very small increments (millimeters) to see if this helps.
Make sure that your tongue is resting beneath the level of the lower lip. It should also be flat and stretched (not arched and clumped up).
Don’t overly tense your lips. Keep them relaxed, roughly with the opening of your plastic drinking straw.
Don’t blow too hard. A good volume of steady, medium-speed air is best.
Just blow (air alone) before trying to add articulation.
Return to headjoint practice if you continue to have difficulty.
In this video, I use the Mendini Closed Hole flute which I got for about $70 on Amazon: https://amzn.to/319lu3d
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