Assembling, Disassembling & Cleaning Your Flute | Beginner Flute Lesson 1
Flute for Beginners > Assembling, Disassembling & Cleaning Your Flute (Beginner Flute Lesson 1)
In this flute lesson for beginners, learn how to properly assemble, disassemble and clean your flute. Handling your flute well will ensure the best lifespan of your instrument and the best value for your money.
Flute Assembly/Disassembly Tips
Never squeeze on the rods or keys as you assemble. Instead hold onto the tubing only.
A gentle, back-and-forth twisting motion usually works best. However, be careful not to bend the joints by keeping them properly aligned.
Flute Cleaning Tips
Use a plastic or wooden cleaning rod such as this one:
A simple cotton handkerchief works well ( Wash your handkerchief before first usage.
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In this video, I use the Mendini Closed Hole flute which I got for about $70 on Amazon: