Etude of the Week(s) - Donjon Études de Salon
I recently joined the Etude of the Week Facebook Group at the suggestion of a fellow Hawaii Flute Society member. At the moment they are working through Johannes Donjon’s Études de Salon and these have been a welcome break from the Köhler Flute Etudes I had been working through.
The Donjon etudes are far more athletic in nature. So far, I would say that the main focus of this book is developing greater flexibility and stability in traversing large intervals. It is fabulous exercise and I look forward to working through this book as well (fingers crossed).
Études de Salon #1: Élégie-Étude
Études de Salon #2: Sérénade
Études de Salon #3: Le chant du vent (Song of the Wind)
Donjon Études de Salon #4: Volubile
Donjon Études de Salon #5: Gigue
Donjon 8 Etudes de Salon Sheet Music
This project was recorded using the Shure MV88 microphone for iPhone